False flags are created so that a government can move forward with intended plans for an attack, but without backlash from their citizens; thus, creating a hoax for support. One example of this can be taken from Nazi Germany during WW2. Hitler was looking for a final straw before invading Poland, so staged a raid on the Gleiwitz Radio Tower. A short message claiming the tower was now in "Polish Hands" was broadcasted, and a body of a civilian dressed as Polish soldier was left behind. The next day, Hitler cited the attack among others in a speech, and instructed the invasion of Poland. This is one example of how false flags can have large implications on society as a whole. When used in a time of intense turmoil and a multi-country war, a false flag can be the cause of millions of deaths.
False flags are meant to be deceptive, their whole purpose is to create a lie. Due to this it is difficult to discern between a false flag operation and a false accusation. What people speculate will be based on how much trust they have in the source. This can have negative implications in the way that some people begin to speculate traumatic events, causing emotional harm for those affected by that event. An example of this would be someone claiming that a school shooting didn't occur, and is instead being staged for gun control reform.
There do not seem to be any clear, positive effects of a false flag operation. These are created as a deception, so I'm not sure if I think that something created to deceive could become good to begin with, but if I disregard that and focus on just the implications-- I maintain that there are no positive effects of a false flag. All examples of false flag operations were relating to political or real life warfare.
Since a false flag operation is specific to a certain situation they do not have the same implications each time. A false flag will ultimately always negatively affect those accused, and positively affect those staging the operation... unless they are proven guilty. As far as affecting different segments of the population like male/female, or gay/straight, if one is accused the inverse party would benefit. This, however can only be small scale as a specific entity is being targeted in an operation, opposed to everyone who shares that same identity.
Since a false flag operation can be done on a large scale like in WW2, or on a small scale if someone was say, staged for murder, they can affect anyone. I cannot personally see myself being affected by a false flag operation, since I don't associate with shady business and have no enemies. Anyone who has enemies really, can be victim of a false flag operation. There needs to be a party targeting you for malicious reasons. While not necessarily a false flag operation, McCarthyism is of a similar nature. Somebody accusing you of an offense that is not true. Something like that is the only plausible way I see a regular citizen being affected by a false flag operation, unless of course our government enters war due to a false flag, then everyone is affected at once. You must have a keen eye to notice a false flag operation, and a strong stamina if you are going to attempt to prove it.
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