Thursday, November 17, 2022

Anti-War Voices

Today in the world you have the news at your fingertips. You can open up your laptop to Google News and browse through the newest articles about Russian missiles. You can turn on the TV and listen to the mainstream media announce Biden's request to send more aid to Ukraine. Or you could open up Snapchat and tap through articles claiming we are on the brink of WWIII, speaking as if that's already true. What you won't be able to find with a simple reach onto the internet are anti-war voices. 

Anti-war opinions are unfavorable to the government, so people who kiss up to the government... a.k.a. the mainstream media, won't showcase those voices. The government loves war. Apparently there's money to be made during wartime; money I'm sure won't go back into taxpayer's pockets. However, all I see right now is a massive debt adding up. The last thing I want is war right now. I see lots and oh my gosh lots of internal problems within our country that need fixing before we wage war for what? Fun? Money? War right now means nuclear. Means millions dead. Anybody in our country advocating for this is crazy in my mind. But now, as I go onto all the news media sources, and I don't see any sentiment similar to mine, I'm gonna go crazy too. This is like this for a reason. Whether it's the government, big tech, the established media, elite influence, or a combination of a few-- anti-war voices are purposely buried to deter traction and alienate those with similar opinions.

Seeking out obscure websites is the only way to find true anti-war sentiment because it goes against the narrative the government and media is pushing. None of this is shocking to me, the idea that though we are entitled to protect dissent there's still a push back against those who disagree. I've been questioning the government ever since Trump began his 2016 campaign. The idea he ran on was pretty much that the government is full of shifty people, doing dishonorable things behind closed doors, not being transparent with the public, and he wanted to stir things up as somebody who'd never been in politics before. Since
then I've come into my own determining my political beliefs and questioning anything that seems fishy. I have suspicions about government action all of the time, and I'm constantly seeking out who would have something to gain, or better yet whose money went where. What I'm trying to gather is that there has never been a point in my life where I've understood and trusted the government at the same time. 

If you understand how the government works and what they can and can't do, you shouldn't trust them. Let alone anti-war this blogpost could potentially be labeled as anti-government. Perhaps, that's why anti-war voices are hidden. If the government is pushing for war and you're not is it then anti-government to spread your opinions? If you think it isn't then what if your anti-war opinions made it onto MSNBC, and people watch, they agree, and then protests pick up, there's people outside of the capitol. Would that scare or threaten the government? I think so. Nobody wants to be threatened, so would the government then want anti-war voices to be silenced? I'm fairly certain anti-war voices can only be heard on obscure websites because of this. While I may not have proof of the government or associates actively trying to hide these voices, it seems like a very reasonable conclusion using common sense-based reasoning. I might not be right, but I'm still entitled to think and publish this opinion just as much as people are entitled to protest war.

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